Thursday, May 24, 2018

This Artist's Mind


     It’s been awhile since I wrote, and a lot has happened in my life. I’ve been sorting it all out and that’s been time consuming as it’s all about emotions that are changing as fast as clouds on a windy day. Can’t seem to catch one long enough to understand it before it’s transforming into something new. Those who’ve kept up with me on Facebook know that recently I made the trek back to my hometown to care for my parents who, oddly became gravely ill at the same time. They’re well on the mend now but when I left, I wasn’t sure if I’d still have a father by the time I returned or what condition treatment would leave my mother in, in the long run. But, after a month and a half, I was able to leave them to their respective recoveries and return to what passes for normal for me. I returned grateful for those in my life and for how I’ve chosen to live my life – for those who supported me when I was scared and kept me up during times of uncertainty. I guess sometimes you don’t know how much you’re loved till you really need it. So, I came back a much more grateful person than when I left and much more aware of how I was creating my life I think, than I was before. But, I’ve also been emotionally confused which I’m told is understandable. See, before the scare with my parents, my very old kitty and best fur pal died, and one of my best friends died so I was still working through all that as well.
    All of this I’ve said to illustrate that there’s been a LOT of changes lately around me with another big one on the way and it’s drawn a reflectiveness from me that I’m learning to understand and appreciate. Since the weather has been a mix of rainy and sunny but the days are yet mild, I’ve taken to rising early and drinking my coffee outside in my back yard where this morning. It’s was loamy and wet from the rains, a pleasant dampness filled with the smell of green everything. I didn’t have much on my mind as I don’t think my mind was awake yet, so stray thoughts were just floating around in there with no particular place to go. I looked over to the grill and the rain had kicked up some of the dirt from the ground as it fell hard last night and splattered it in an interesting pattern on the foot of the grill. I thought, hey, that’s pretty cool! A strap on my yard chair broke and I thought, well, gotta fix that but, it can wait so I sat happily crooked while I waited for the mornings appearance of the neighborhood squirrels. They usually stop to nibble on my cherry tree and as they hop from tree to tree. As they launch from branch to branch, a smattering of rain is loosed from the leaves that had been greedily holding on to the moisture.  But today, they must’ve been elsewhere. Baby bird were cheeping for breakfast and my tummy was growling too but, I didn’t want to do anything but sip coffee and let things happen around me. Until….
    Out of the corner of my eye I caught something odd. Through the slats of the fence I saw a spider web that appeared to be woven in a rectangle, I thought because of the way the light was hitting it because spiders don’t weave rectangles that I know of. Curious, I got up from my broken chair to look and after getting myself into some odd positions, I could finally see the fine silk of the rest of the web. What then was creating the highlight on the rectangle if not for the light, I wondered? So, I watched it for a bit trying to figure it out. I congratulated the spider on its masterful display that was beyond me to figure out at the moment, so I sat back in my crooked chair willing to chalk it up to just a mystery I wasn’t awake enough to fathom. It was more fun to wonder at the spiders’ artistic tendencies. Did it strategically place extra fluid to just that rectangle of web? Amusingly I wondered if it was statement of some kind? Was it a spider living room? Then, as I looked back again, through the sunlight and at the wood, steam was rising as the sun heated the fence. Darn, now it made sense. The side closest to the web was being steamed and gather droplets that reflected in the light. It was no less interesting than when I’d been playing with the thought, but I was vaguely sad it made sense and squashed my creative stream of fun. I sipped my coffee for a moment and then decided – I need a picture of this!
    So, this is the mind of an artist. You really do see and experience life through a different lens. I may not generally just walk by flowers. I’ll stop to look at how the lights and darks are interacting with the environment, smell it, watch the bees for a moment and then walk by. I may stop to watch ants crawling up a tree and wonder what they’re thinking. I may try to watch grass grow just to see if I can see it. I may be entranced by the steam coming off a hot cup of coffee. I may be studying your jawline while you’re talking in earnest to me about something. I may wonder how I can put colors into understandable form to those who are blind, something I’m actually working on for a future show. Artists are observers and chroniclers of experience and our digestion of those experiences leak out in different forms – writing, painting, dance etc. Artists are a curious lot who like me, will stop to wonder why something is the way it is, trying to figure it out while at the same time, appreciating the mystery. We are lovers of the in-between’s of life. People always wonder what’s in an artist mind at any given time – why we paint something in particular – what we’re feeling when we do it… This was just a moment this morning and a peek into its concealed vastness.  Wonder if that spider knew what it was getting into…..